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Joey Ramone

2001-08 — the Beginners Guide to the Ramones («Metal Hammer»)
As Recommended By Joey Ramone

1. «You should listen to 'Ramones', the first album because that’s what started it all.»

2. «'Rocket to Russia' was a real high point for us as far as songwriting goes and everyone in the band was gelling. I guess it has some of the best songs on it.»

3. «I like 'Road To Ruin' as it’s a great record and it has 'I Wanna Be Sedated' which is one of the songs I wrote. A lot of people would say it was the first three records that the Ramones were all about, and the first two were already written before we even got signed.»

4. «'Mondo Bizarro' is one of my favourites. I had just got sober at that point so I had this real flood of creativity and remember being very inspired on that album.»

Metal Hammer
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