Ramones.ru ver. 3.0 was opened in august 2007. In 2001-2003 it looked something like that:
What we have now: - full discography;
- many photos and covers and pics and all that stuff;
- and many mp3s to download!
We'd like to express our love to all Ramones' members and respect to all ramoniacs all over the world. Especially we'd like to thank — Iris, 69th Ramone, www.rockmusic.ru, Dmitry Spirin, Danila Koltsov, Dmitry Doomwatcher Bravy. Ramones.ru team: Sergey Haba Khabaroff e-mail:
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icq: 119516775 URL: www.khabaroff.com Boris MGL2R Volodin e-mail:
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icq: 273634381 URL: www.ramones.ru If you like out site, feel free to put our links and banners: <a href="http://ramones.ru/"><img src="http://ramones.ru/images/ramones_big.jpg" border="0" alt="Russian Ramones Fan Site" title="Russian Ramones Fan Site" /></a>
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Our logo: ramones.ru_logo.pdf