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St.Mark's Place, New York, USA 1981

I Saw A Skull Instead Of My Face (Dee Dee Ramone)

I'm enraged
I feel betrayed
Sometimes I wonder if
My time is up
And maybe if
There won't be any

I saw a skull instead of my face
I saw a skull instead of my face
I saw a skull instead of my face
I saw a skull instead of my face

When I looked at myself
When I looked at myself
When I looked at myself
When I looked at myself

God damned motherfuckers
They can't stop me
But they're comin' at me
From everywhich way
How can I trust them
When their lives are
So filled with despair

I saw a skull instead of my face
I saw a skull instead of my face
I saw a skull instead of my face
I saw a skull instead of my face

When I looked at myself
When I looked at myself
When I looked at myself
When I looked at myself

Nobody ever grins at me
Why can't they be more professional
I hate everybody
They hate me
I'm upset
Always will be


I saw a skull instead of my face
I saw a skull instead of my face
I saw a skull instead of my face
I saw a skull instead of my face

When I looked at myself
When I looked at myself
When I looked at myself
When I looked at myself

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