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US Festival, Glen Helen Park, San Bernardino, USA 03.09.82

I Want You Around (Ramones)

I want you around
I want you around

They're telling us
They're gonna make a fuss
About the two of us

I want you around
I want you around

I know what you're thinking about
That you must have some doubts
I know what you're thinking when you find out
I want you around

You know if it comes true
I'll be so good to you
I'll never treat you cruel
As long as I've got you around

I want you around
I want you around

You heard that I'm no good
Yeah, yeah I'm no good
But I'll treat you like I should

I want you around
I want you around

You know if it comes true
I'll be so good to you
I'll never treat you cruel
As long as I've got you around

I want you around
I want you around

They're telling us
They're gonna make a fuss
About the two of us

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