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Green mountain racetrack, Pownal, USA 09.07.96 (Lollapalooza tour)

Take It As It Comes (Jim Morrison)

Time to live
Time to lie
Time to laugh
Time to die

Take it easy, baby
Take it as it comes
Don't move too fast if you want your love to last
You've been movin' too fast

Time to walk
Time to run
Time to aim your arrows
At the sun

Take it easy, baby
Take it as it comes
Don't move too fast if you want your love to last
You've been movin' too fast

Go real slow
You'll like it more and more
Take it as it comes
Specialize in havin' fun
Take it easy, baby
Take it as it comes
Don't move too fast if you want your love to last
You've been movin' too fast
Movin' much too fast
Movin' much too fast

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