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Second Avenue, New York, USA 1976

Cabbies On Crack (Joey Ramone)

Got into a cab, Broadway, 59
Took off like a blast
Almost lost my mind - oh, oh, oh

Cabbies on crack

It first felt like at thrill ride
Excited for a while
Got pretty scary swerving at 100 miles an hour - oh, oh, oh

Cabbies on crack
I want to get out, out of this yellow shell
I want to get out, crack cabbies straight from hell

And I don't wanna die before I live
Cabbies on Cabbies on crack

Cabbies on crack
Want my money back
Disco blasting out, Stomach in my mouth - oh, oh, oh
Cabbies on crack

Times Square was approaching
He braked for the light
At 90 miles an hour, flashed by,
I saw my life - oh, oh, oh

Cabbies on crack
I want to get out, out of this yellow shell
I want to get out, crack cabbies straight from hell

And I don't wanna die before I live
Cabbies on Cabbies on crack
And I don't wanna die before I live
Cabbies on Cabbies on crack

Cabbies on crack

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