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MGL2R Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 02.07.2005 Сообщения: 1616 Откуда: Moscow, Russia
Добавлено: Вт Май 09, 2006 6:24 pm Заголовок сообщения: Distemper 1989-1991 |
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KKKOLЯN Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 18.07.2006 Сообщения: 1593 Откуда: KKKHIMKI
Добавлено: Вт Май 09, 2006 6:27 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
Это Pinhead там на стене нарисован?
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Добавлено: Чт Май 11, 2006 8:42 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
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Добавлено: Сб Май 20, 2006 2:06 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
Ребят, напишите пожалуста текст Дай дай май Дарлинг! Очень нужно!
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Dirty Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 04.07.2005 Сообщения: 1127 Откуда: Москва
Добавлено: Сб Май 20, 2006 2:14 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
Колян писал(а): | Ребят, напишите пожалуста текст Дай дай май Дарлинг! Очень нужно! |
чож ты сам ничо не пытаешься найти???
"Die Die My Darling"
Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty mouth
I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell
Don't cry to me oh baby
Your future's in an oblong box, yeah
Don't cry to me oh baby
Should have seen it a-comin' on
Don't cry to me oh baby
I don't know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead-end girl for a dead-end guy
Don't cry to me oh baby
Now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty mouth
I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell
Don't cry to me a baby
Your future is in an oblong box
Don't cry to me oh baby
Should have seen the end a-comin' on, a-comin'
Don't cry to me oh baby
I don't know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead-end girl for a dead-end guy
Don't cry to me oh baby
Now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Shut your pretty mouth
I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Die, die, die my darling
Die, die, die my darling
Die, die, die, die, die, die....
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KKKOLЯN Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 18.07.2006 Сообщения: 1593 Откуда: KKKHIMKI
Добавлено: Чт Июн 01, 2006 8:27 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
Очередная порция каверов. На этот раз - от АМЕРИКАНСКОЙ(!) СЁРФОВОЙ(!) банды... CRIMSON GHOSTS(!!!)
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axlЯ glamour in chocolate

Зарегистрирован: 03.08.2005 Сообщения: 952 Откуда: Santa Barbara, CA
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sedated Loudmouth

Зарегистрирован: 06.07.2005 Сообщения: 115 Откуда: raMonINSK
Добавлено: Пт Июн 16, 2006 12:01 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
Самыми узнаваемыми мне показались Last Caress и Die, Die My Darling, хотя по тем или иным типичным моментам узнаются многие, но не все. 100 % лаундж)
_________________ I'm having now R'n'R Vacation.. |
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MGL2R Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 02.07.2005 Сообщения: 1616 Откуда: Moscow, Russia
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MGL2R Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 02.07.2005 Сообщения: 1616 Откуда: Moscow, Russia
Добавлено: Вт Июн 20, 2006 7:55 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
Обложки синглов
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STS777 Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 20.07.2005 Сообщения: 637 Откуда: Moscow Rock City
Добавлено: Вс Июл 02, 2006 10:03 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
вот это тату, так тату!
_________________ Misfits: Boys
Samhain: Men! |
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STS777 Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 20.07.2005 Сообщения: 637 Откуда: Moscow Rock City
Добавлено: Вт Июл 11, 2006 7:10 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
а вот ФАКТЫ о которых многие юные и не очень поклонники группы мисФитс не знали о лицемерном джерри онли. прямо от его брата Кенни, который держит контакт с дойлом и Майклом Грейвзом..
все на английском.
в кратце: все отвернулись от джерри потому что он жадный до денег дегенерат...
Цитата: | "Jerry Only Blog Follow Up
Well... it was expected, but not so fast. The owner of the Myspace page that I linked in my previous blog got cold feet and pulled the blogs. It's not the first time, nor will it be the last, I'm sure - that a website critical of Jerry appears, and then as quickly disappears. It's just another testament to the way he operates - using fear, and threats to terminate any criticism.
I know there are still a few of you who want to believe Jerry's the Second Coming - and judging by some of his trademarks, so does he... No sane man Trademarks the final line to The Lord's Prayer, but 'Mo The Great!' aka 'Mocavius Kryst' - as in Christ the Saviour - owns the trademark to 'Deliver Us From Evil', and anyone who uses this phrase, technically, has to pay Kryst for that right.
You also have to ask yourself - why have both of Jerry's brothers, in a formerly tight-knit family - split from him, and why is virtually his entire family, including his first wife... out of the picture.
Then you can ask yourself - with all his money, power and lawyers - why hasn't Jerry hit Bobby with the same lawsuits he's used to shut up everyone else - including the WCW, and Turner Broadcasting ? As Jerry told a mutual friend -"it's becasue Bobby knows too much". Jerry doesn't want to face me in court - because he can't beat me. He knows I got my hands on that 'confidential settlement agreement' that was sealed in the Court Files - and it was because of Jerry's own greed that I was able to get it - since he used it as evidence in another lawsuit to try to get another $95,000 out of Glenn, after already getting $1,650,000.00. It wasn't enough for Mr greed to fuck me out of over $200,000.00, and Joey Image of just under $100,000.00 - on top of his share that already exceeded $600,000.00... Jerry wants it all, and he won't stop til he gets it all.
Sick Mother.
To the guy who wants to come n kick my ass.... July 23rd, NYC - Tompkins Sq. Bring a camera - so you can not just brag - but you can post video of how you bravely beat up a cripple - if you can. But, you're threatening the guy who survived a fall between the cars of a moving NYC subway train, survived being crushed in a t-bone crash, survived a Mob attempt at silencing me for exposing their involvement in the NYHC scene... among just a few things. I've got a major NYC landlord trying to terrorize me out of my low-rent apt for over 20 years - going so far as to bring in Albanians - who specialize in tenant terror.. it didn't work...
Just one word of warning - if you have any street smarts... TURF"
а это от чувака работавшего у Данзига в помошниках, сейчас имеет свою группу Skumlove.
Цитата: | Jerry only contacted me years ago and Doyle knows this as fact. first Jerry's manager contacted me then Jerry himself offering me 20% of a supossive million dollar deal he wasbeing offered if I could get Glenn on board with the Misfits reunion. this was before the original reunion with graves on vocals. after I refused he threatend to sue me if I leaked it out that he contacted me and said ,"not like anyone would believe a lil Glenn Danzig wannabe but if you say anything about this I will sue you for everything you have." little did he know I had nothing lol!
Jerry is a prick and a fuck waod to boot. I swear if I had the chance I would smash his fingers in a vice and cut his vocal cords so it would keep from screwing the misfits name anymore.
compair what glenn and Doyle did to what Jerry has done with his many recreations and you tell me which one is the genuine hardcore shit?
жалко что остальное уже удалил онли и Ко
_________________ Misfits: Boys
Samhain: Men! |
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MGL2R Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 02.07.2005 Сообщения: 1616 Откуда: Moscow, Russia
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MGL2R Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 02.07.2005 Сообщения: 1616 Откуда: Moscow, Russia
Добавлено: Чт Июл 20, 2006 5:40 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
666 Anilow
2004 - Six hits from hell
01 - We Are 138
02 - I Turned Into A Martian
03 - Vampira
04 - Angel Fuck
05 - Lost In Space
06 - American Psycho
07 - London Dungeon
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KKKOLЯN Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 18.07.2006 Сообщения: 1593 Откуда: KKKHIMKI
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STS777 Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 20.07.2005 Сообщения: 637 Откуда: Moscow Rock City
Добавлено: Вс Сен 03, 2006 1:00 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
джерри онли и ираке
_________________ Misfits: Boys
Samhain: Men! |
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misfit guy Loudmouth

Зарегистрирован: 31.07.2006 Сообщения: 138
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KKKOLЯN Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 18.07.2006 Сообщения: 1593 Откуда: KKKHIMKI
Добавлено: Вс Окт 01, 2006 5:58 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
^Лихорадка субботнего вечера
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KKKOLЯN Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 18.07.2006 Сообщения: 1593 Откуда: KKKHIMKI
Добавлено: Чт Окт 19, 2006 6:56 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
The Misfits
Beware: The Complete Singles (77 - 82)
Destroy Fascism Records (Germany - Bootleg)
01. Cough cool
02. She
03. Bullet
04. We are 138
05. Attitude
06. Hollywood Babylon
07. Horror business
08. Teenagers from Mars
09. Children in heat
10. Night of the living dead
11. Where eagles dare
12. Rat fink
13. London dungeon
14. Horror hotel
15. Ghouls night out
16. Halloween
17. Halloween II
18. 20 eyes (LIVE)
19. Night of the living dead (LIVE)
20. Astro zombies (LIVE)
21. Horror business (LIVE)
22. London dungeon (LIVE)
23. All hell breaks loose (LIVE)
24. We are 138 (LIVE)
25. Return of the fly (studio outtake)
26. Last caress (from "Beware" 12")
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STS777 Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 20.07.2005 Сообщения: 637 Откуда: Moscow Rock City
Добавлено: Пт Окт 20, 2006 8:26 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
вот вырезки из будущей книги Joel'a Gausten'а - "Albums that (Should've) Changed the World".
взято с его оффициальной странички - http://www.myspace.com/gaustenbooks
вся правда и история группы которая перевернула мир музыки раз и навсегда. каждый человек, который считает что он любит эту группу, должен знать её историю, настоящую.
часть первая.
BOOK EXCERPT: The History of THE MISFITS - Part One
Important Note: Ownership of the below material is protected by copyright. If you copy/repost any of this material, you WILL be tracked down and called out on your actions. Also, if you see any of the below material directly quoted on any site other than this one – even under the guise of "news and promotion" – don't be fooled. These people are attempting to profit from the hard work of others. Thank you.
Below is the first of three excerpts from my book chapter on THE MISFITS that will appear on this page over the next several days. As regular visitors to this page know, my history with the 'Fits runs deep, and I simply couldn't do a book on music without including 1982's Walk Among Us. Some of my personal experiences with the band are detailed in the blog, "My Life with The Misfits," found elsewhere on this page.
Although I don't plan to include my entire Misfits chapter in these excerpts (you'll have to buy the book for that!!), I wanted to supply enough to give readers a general sense of the band's history. Note that major elements left out of the excerpts have been noted with ellipses. Also, numbers that appear throughout the excerpts refer to footnotes that follow each entry.
There was a time when the Misfits were the greatest band on the planet.
Armed with muscle-bound theatrics, instantly memorable hooks and a truly extraordinary frontman, the Misfits exploded out of the blue-collar town of Lodi, New Jersey to create one of punk rock's most endearing (and tumultuous) musical legacies. Although intense inner turmoil ripped the original band apart in 1983, the skull-clad clan lasted long enough to create a slew of landmark recordings that set the template for legions of horror-inspired bands to come.
The Misfits' 1982 debut album, Walk Among Us, remains the group's finest half-hour. A 13-song tour-de-force that easily elevated the band to international cult status, Walk Among Us represented five years of false starts, business woes, controversial lineup changes, tireless work and some of the most powerful songwriting to ever rise from the American punk movement.
The Misfits story dates back to the spring of 1977, when New Jersey singer Glenn "Danzig" Anzalone (already a veteran of a number of area cover bands) enlisted the services of drummer Manny Martinez and 17-year-old bassist Jerry "Only" Caiafa for his latest musical endeavor. Named after a Marilyn Monroe film, the Misfits debuted at CBGB that April. With Danzig on keyboards and Martinez bashing away with jazzy, Santana-like abandon, the original trio's tentative sound was indeed a far cry from the riotous noise the Misfits would eventually create. This early incarnation soon recorded a single, "Cough/Cool" /"She," and released it on their own Blank Records. While the band's debut recording sounded more like Jim Morrison fronting a sped-up Talking Heads than the raucous noisemaking that made the band infamous, the release nonetheless established the Misfits in the local scene.
Aiming for a much harder sound, the band soon dropped Martinez and added guitarist Frank "Franche Coma" Licata and drummer ""Mr. Jim" Catania to the fold. With financial support from Mercury Records, the revamped Misfits entered New York's C.I. Recordings in early 1978 to cut their first album, Static Age. (1) The Static Age recordings displayed the band's new guitar-based sound and Danzig's incredible, Elvis-from-Hell vocal abilities. Most important, it introduced Danzig's taste for the macabre, as heard on delightfully offensive "Last Caress"…
…When Mercury passed on the finished product, the band picked four songs from the sessions ("Bullet," "Hollywood Babylon," "Attitude" and "We Are 138") and released them as the Bullet EP. The seven-inch record marked the debut of the band's "new" label, Plan 9 Records, a name taken from the classic Ed Wood film, Plan 9 From Outer Space. Although the band's image at the time was still of the jeans-and-leather-jacket variety, the change in label monikers provided the first sign of the group's growing interest in horror-film imagery. Although Bullet did wonders for the band's status, there was no denying that some of the C.I. sessions' strongest moments were left on the cutting room floor. The band's inability to release the entire 17-song recording as a proper album, coupled with the departure of Licata and Catania later in the year, provided the first of many defining roadblocks the band would face in subsequent years.
In late 1978, the Misfits lineup further solidified with the addition of drummer Joey Image and guitarist Bobby Steele. Boasting considerably more power than the previous two incarnations, the Steele/Image version of the Misfits debuted on the classic Horror Business EP. Highlighted by Danzig's typically strong performance and Steele's savage guitar slashing, the record's three songs ("Horror Business," "Teenagers From Mars" and "Children in Heat") became instant crowd favorites. As the EP's title suggested, the band's horror image was now in full gear: Only soon replaced his standard, blue haired-"punk" getup with skulls, homemade spikes and his trademark "devilock" hairstyle, while the Horror Business sleeve featured the debut of the band's legendary mascot, the Crimson Ghost.
Thanks to these innovations, the band quickly developed a rabid fan base. In typically ghoulish fashion, the Lodi Boys created their own KISS Army in the form of "The Misfits Fiend Club," which offered "fiends" exclusive Misfits pins, stickers and other demented goodies.
As the Misfits' horror-themed sound continued to evolve, so did the band's reputation as a volatile live act. The band's ultra-violent sets often ended with audience members shuffling off in ambulances, while some band members had a well-known habit of trashing club dressing rooms. Not surprisingly, the Misfits soon found themselves banned from a number of New York-area venues, which only added to their escalating infamy (2).
Following the fall '79 release of their third EP, Night of the Living Dead, the Misfits left for a U.K. tour in support of the Damned. Like many other American punk bands, the Misfits experienced a rough time in Clash Country. In addition to being a financial catastrophe, the tour also displayed the constant personal friction that would haunt the Misfits throughout their existence: Riddled by drug problems and one too many fights with his bandmates, Image packed his bags and left the tour early, leaving his defeated cohorts behind to fend for themselves (3).
Once back in the U.S., the band quickly overcame the Image debacle with the addition of new drummer Arthur Googy. Though a complete novice, Googy nonetheless found his place in the Misfits, providing a powerful (if at times shaky) four-four slam that perfectly matched Only and Steele's keep-it-simple musical arrangements.
With Googy in place, plans were once again set to record an album. The seeds for what eventually became Walk Among Us were first planted in August 1980, when the band entered New York's Master Sound Productions to put down a dozen songs with producer Rob Alter. The month-long studio stint yielded preliminary versions of such Misfits staples as "I Turned Into A Martian," "Astro Zombies," "Vampira" and "Halloween"…
…Though musically superior to the band's past work, the Master Sound demos provided audio proof that all was not well within the ranks. Halfway through the sessions, ongoing friction between Only and Steele reached critical mass. After recording the majority of the guitar parts for the record, Steele was replaced in the studio by Only's 15-year-old brother, Paul (better known as "Doyle"), who added his own playing to a number of tracks. Depending on whom you ask, Doyle's gradual integration into the Misfits resulted from either Steele's gross musical incompetence (a strange notion when considering the guitarist's later work) or Only's desire to add more muscle (literally and figuratively) to the band's image. Either way, Steele officially got the boot in October 1980. Not surprisingly, Steele's unceremonious dumping caused a seemingly irreparable rift between both parties that exists to this day. (4) Once again, a Misfits album was dead at the starting gate (5)…
(1) Mercury Records gave the Misfits 30 hours of free studio time in exchange for the rights to the name "Blank Records," which Mercury had used months earlier on the Pere Ubu album, The Modern Dance. Although many songs from the Static Age sessions were later released on various Misfits compilations, the album was not released in its entirety as a stand-alone album until 1997.
(2) The Misfits' local notoriety was further cemented in July '79, when Steele, in a state of extreme inebriation, puked on John Lennon's shoes at New York's Mudd Club.
(3) Image would go on to play in a number of bands, most notably The Undead, Human Buffet and the Mary Tyler Whores. Anarchy Music released a compilation of Image's post-Misfits work, Hell Bent For Horror Business, in 2005.
(4) Steele would soon resurface as leader of the Undead (Book chapter excerpt coming soon.)
(5) In 2001, Caroline Records attempted to release a remastered version of the complete MSP sessions as 12 Hits From Hell, going as far as to produce a number of promo copies featuring full artwork and liner notes. Danzig and Only, claiming to have not been made aware of the 12 Hits project, successfully threatened legal action to prevent the album's release.
Coming Wednesday: The History of the Misfits, part two.
The complete MISFITS chapter will appear in the book, Albums that (Should've) Changed the World by Joel Gausten, available August 2007. Subscribe to the Blog or keep checking this page for updates.
Upcoming excerpts/interviews include: Eerie Von of DANZIG/SAMHAIN, Paul Raven of KILLING JOKE, Lol Tolhurst of THE CURE, Hugo Burnham of GANG OF FOUR, David Thomas of PERE UBU and many more.
Ó 2006 Joel Gausten. Reproduction of this material is not permitted.
_________________ Misfits: Boys
Samhain: Men!
Последний раз редактировалось: STS777 (Пт Окт 20, 2006 8:44 pm), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а) |
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STS777 Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 20.07.2005 Сообщения: 637 Откуда: Moscow Rock City
Добавлено: Пт Окт 20, 2006 8:31 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
часть вторая.
BOOK EXCERPT: The History of THE MISFITS - Part Two
Important Note: Ownership of the below material is protected by copyright. If you copy/repost any of this material, you WILL be tracked down and called out on your actions. Also, if you see any of the below material directly quoted on any site other than this one – even under the guise of "news and promotion" – don't be fooled. These people are attempting to profit from the hard work of others. Thank you.
Below is the second of three excerpts from my book chapter on THE MISFITS that will be featured on this page over the next several days. As regular visitors to this page know, my history with the 'Fits runs deep, and I simply couldn't do a book on music without including 1982's Walk Among Us. Some of my personal experiences with the band are detailed in the blog, "My Life with The Misfits," found elsewhere on this page.
Although I don't plan to include my entire Misfits chapter in these excerpts (you'll have to buy the book for that!!), I wanted to supply enough to give readers a general sense of the band's history. Note that major elements left out of the excerpts have been noted with ellipses. Also, numbers that appear throughout the excerpts refer to footnotes that follow each entry.
…With Steele out of the picture, the Misfits soon elevated their shocking image and live persona to new heights. Doyle's Gargantuan, six-foot-plus frame perfectly matched his brother's equally-imposing build, while Danzig's comparatively diminutive size and Googy's blonde-white hair completed perhaps the most stunning onstage visual in punk history. With this new lineup in tow, the Misfits became the world's scariest, most intense musical entity. In addition to introducing a new band logo (based on the lettering of Famous Monsters of Filmland Magazine), the Misfits marked 1981 with the release of a new EP, Three Hits From Hell (featuring songs culled from the Master Sound tapes), and a seven-inch single, "Halloween" / "Halloween II."
By the time "Halloween" hit the stores, the Misfits were again on their quest to put together a long-overdue full-length record. The band's original plan was to release Walk Among Us on Plan 9 Records, combining a handful of Master Sound tracks with newer studio recordings. (6) However, these plans were soon abandoned when the band scored a one-off deal with California's Ruby Records. Opting to discard all Master Sound tracks, the band compiled an all-new album from songs recorded with Doyle at Mix-O-Lydian Studio in Boonton, New Jersey.
Released in March 1982, Walk Among Us gave the world a 25-minute soundtrack to the greatest horror movie come to life. Opening with the ferocious "20 Eyes," the Misfits instantly set the pace for an album full of gore-inspired images and bone-crushing aggression. With Googy and the Caiafas providing the punch, Danzig unleashed a fury of sing-along odes to pain and destruction…
…Like campfire songs from Hades, "I Turned Into A Martian," "Night of the Living Dead" and "Hatebreeders" fully utilized Danzig's ability to come up with razor-sharp choruses, as each song contained a series of unforgettable "Whoa-oh-oh!" shouts that drove the point straight through the listener's skull. (7) Other Walk Among Us highlights included "Astro Zombies," "Skulls" (later covered by the Lemonheads) and "Vampira," while a live version of "Mommy Can I Go Out & Kill Tonight" effectively showcased the adrenaline-fueled cacophony of the Misfits club performance.
Of course, composing blood-drenched horror epics in the context of two-minute punk songs almost guaranteed that Walk Among Us would have a few downright laughable moments. (It could be argued that Danzig perfected his hard-as-nails public persona by having to sing "I want your skulls/I need you skulls" countless times with a straight face.) Yet, as silly as his lyrics sometimes were, Danzig had what it took to turn anything into an immortal anthem, as brilliantly shown on the album's inescapably catchy closing track, "Braineaters"…
…Though a solid release, Walk Among Us was not without its flaws. Many of the album's tracks lack the Steele-powered intensity of the original Master Sound versions, while the whole album would have been better served if Googy slowed down long enough to find a groove. Yet, Walk Among Us survived on the strength of the songs, even if the executive of the music was often sloppy and unfocused.
With an album finally on the shelves, the Misfits reached their creative apex.
The band had successfully weathered the storm to not only become one the '77 New York scene's few surviving bands, but also a group whose style stood leagues ahead of virtually everyone else hitting the stage in '82. Five years into their career, the Misfits were finally ready to take over the world.
But within eighteen months, they would throw it all away.
In April '82, the Misfits embarked on a west coast trek in support of Walk Among Us. What should have been an important milestone turned out to be one of the darkest periods in the band's history – an unfortunate series of events marked by perpetual in-fighting and increasingly violent onstage episodes. The band's show at the Elite Club in San Francisco turned into a riot when Doyle, fed up with getting hit by unopened beer cans, cold-clocked an audience member in the head with his guitar. To make matters worse, Danzig and Googy's fragile relationship came to blows at a McDonalds in Los Angeles. Instead of returning home as conquering heroes, the Misfits (minus yet another drummer) came back to New Jersey physically, financially and emotionally drained. (
After brief stints with the Necros' Todd Swalla and area drummers Eerie Von and "The Murp," the Misfits recruited former Black Flag timekeeper Robo for the recording of 1983's Earth A.D. …
…A full-on thrash metal assault, Earth A.D. represented a complete 360 from the previous album, as songs like "Hellhound" and "Wolfsblood" blindsided Walk Among Us fans with lightning-fast drumming, screaming vocals and feedback-drenched guitar screeches. While the nine-song album received praised from hardcore fanatics, Earth A.D. possessed none of the melodic charge of its predecessor. Behind the scenes, the band was crumbling: Robo soon split (later to join Bobby Steele in the Undead) and was replaced by Genocide drummer Brian "Damage" Keats, while Danzig began rehearsing with members of hardcore giants Minor Threat and Reagan Youth for a tentative side project called "Samhain."
Plagued by constant bickering and ego clashes, the Misfits finally imploded in the fall of 1983. Wasting no time, Danzig focused his full attention on turning Samhain into a proper band. After drafting drummer-turned-bassist Eerie Von and former Mourning Noise drummer Steve Zing, Danzig released Samhain's debut album, Initium, in 1984. Three years and two albums later, he changed the band's name to Danzig. The Twins of Evil, meanwhile, spent the next several years working at their family's Vernon, New Jersey-based tool company, Proedge. (9) While Walk Among Us easily stands as the band's brightest moment, it also remains one of music history's greatest examples of missed opportunities. Despite all they had worked for, the band was simply unable to rise above its own demons.
Ironically, the Misfits enjoyed their greatest success in the years following their demise. Metal heroes Metallica covered two of the band's songs on their 1987 Garage Days Re-Revisited EP, while the mid-to-late '80s saw the release of a number of Misfits compilations. (10) With interest in the band at an all-time high, Warner Brothers wisely re-released Walk Among Us on CD in 1988, a move that briefly turned the underground classic into a Top Five album. As the band's legend continued to grow, so did rumors of a full-scale Misfits reunion…
(6) The aborted Plan 9 version of Walk Among Us was to include "Horror Hotel" and "Ghouls Night Out" from the Master Sound sessions, as well as "American Nightmare," a song featuring Danzig on guitar that was recorded in June, 1981. "All Hell Breaks Loose," "Braineaters" and a live version of "Mommy Can I Go Out & Kill Tonight" replaced these tracks on the final Ruby version. "American Nightmare" was later included on the 1986 compilation, Legacy of Brutality.
(7) While innovative in 1982, the "Whoa!" phenomenon in punk rock music reached almost unbearable heights in the '90s, when it was virtually impossible to find a band that didn't pillage the Misfits approach to songwriting. Thankfully, longtime CA punk jokers NOFX finally knocked the trend on the head with their 2001 song, "Whoa on the Whoas."
( As "Bliss," Arthur Googy resurfaced as a member of the short-lived New York hardcore band Antidote, who released the Thou Shalt Not Kill EP in 1984. One-time Antidote bassist Tommy Victor later formed Prong. According to Bobby Steele, Googy was last spotted fronting a reggae band in NYC.
(9) After a prolonged hiatus, Only (billed as "Mo The Great") and Doyle returned from the musical grave in 1987 with Kryst The Conqueror, a full-on metal act not unlike Manowar. Armed with the vocal acrobatics of one-time Yngwie Malmsteen/Eyes singer Jeff Scott Soto, Kryst the Conqueror released the Deliver Us From Evil EP two years later. Brief Misfits stand-in "The Murp" played drums. Although the band's grandiose sound and He-Man image would have easily found a place in metal music circa 1984, Kryst the Conqueror soon came and went with little fanfare.
(10) These releases include 1995's Danzig-compiled Collection II, which contained a number of uncredited remakes of Misfits classics recorded by Samhain in the mid 1980s. One of these songs, "Mephisto Waltz," was never recorded or performed by the Misfits during their original existence, as stated by Jerry Only in a 1995 interview with the author.
Coming Friday: The third and final Misfits excerpt.
The complete MISFITS chapter will appear in the book, Albums that (Should've) Changed the World by Joel Gausten, available August 2007. Subscribe to the Blog or keep checking this page for updates.
Upcoming excerpts/interviews include: Eerie Von of DANZIG/SAMHAIN, Paul Raven of KILLING JOKE, Lol Tolhurst of THE CURE, Hugo Burnham of GANG OF FOUR, David Thomas of PERE UBU and many more.
Ó 2006 Joel Gausten. Reproduction of this material is not permitted.
_________________ Misfits: Boys
Samhain: Men! |
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STS777 Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 20.07.2005 Сообщения: 637 Откуда: Moscow Rock City
Добавлено: Пт Окт 20, 2006 8:38 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
часть третья.
BOOK EXCERPT: The History of the MISFITS: Part Three
Important Note: Ownership of the below material is protected by copyright. If you copy/repost any of this material, you WILL be tracked down and called out on your actions. Also, if you see any of the below material directly quoted on any site other than this one – even under the guise of "news and promotion" – don't be fooled. These people are attempting to profit from the hard work of others. Thank you.
Below is the final excerpt from my book chapter on THE MISFITS. As regular visitors to this page know, my history with the 'Fits runs deep, and I simply couldn't do a book on music without including 1982's Walk Among Us. Some of my personal experiences with the band are detailed in the blog, "My Life with The Misfits," found elsewhere on this page.
Note that major elements left out of the excerpts have been noted with ellipses. Also, numbers that appear throughout the excerpts refer to footnotes that follow each entry.
(PS: The History of THE UNDEAD begins November 1.)
…Despite Danzig's stern refusal to participate, Only and Doyle brought the Misfits back from the dead in January 1995. After an unsuccessful attempt to recruit Damned singer Dave Vanian, the brothers spent the next several months auditioning a vast array of singers and drummers. (11) By that October, the new Misfits lineup included drummer "Dr. Chud" and unknown 19-year-old singer Michale Graves. With new blood in tow, the Misfits made their long-awaited live return on October 30, 1995, performing a brief "surprise" set during a Type O Negative show in New York.
As word of the Misfits' return spread like wildfire, the band's original era became the subject of an extensive, 101-track box set. Released by Caroline Records in early '96, the coffin-shaped collection compiled all of the band's Danzig-era recordings (minus the Mix-O-Lydian Walk Among Us tracks) and featured liner notes by longtime Misfits fiend Eerie Von. Amazingly, the release of the box set was momentous enough to convince Only, Doyle, Steele, Graves, Chud, Licata and Catania to actually stand in the same room together for a high-profile record signing at New York's Generation Records. Additionally, Only and Doyle celebrated their reborn notoriety with regular "personal appearances" at area comic book shops, record stores and horror conventions.
With his new bandmates in place, Only spent the spring of '96 establishing a reputation as the hardest-working man in punk rock. Turning the Proedge offices into an ad-hoc band headquarters/practice space, he regularly put in 16-hour days rehearsing with the band, coordinating shows, overseeing new Misfits artwork and (of course) lifting weights. That May, the Misfits entered a recording studio for the first time in thirteen years. The sessions resulted in the superb Mars Attacks demo, a seven-song collection of brand new material originally intended for release as a self-financed EP. But before issuing a new record, the band opted to hit the road for the "Resurrection Tour," a hugely successful international jaunt that ended in August with a heavily attended "homecoming" gig at Vernon's Action Park. By the time the band returned to their North Jersey homes, they were getting calls from Geffen Records, and Mars Attacks quickly became a distant memory. (11)
Produced by longtime Ramones collaborator Daniel Rey, 1997's "comeback" album, American Psycho, came as an instant shock to anyone anticipating Walk Among Us 2. Featuring a super-slick production and guitar-heavy sound, the 17-song album found the Misfits more in tune with the late '90s headbanger crowd than the punk rage of yesteryear. Although Rey's studio sheen stripped away much of the rawness exhibited on the Mars Attacks demo, American Psycho nonetheless contained a few truly blistering musical moments (such as the thrashy title track and the surprisingly radio-friendly single, "Dig Up Her Bones") and incredible artwork by living legend Basil Gogos. While some may have been turned off by the album's overt metal leanings, American Psycho remains an adequate return to form for the Misfits, and an album that will stand the test of time.
Sadly, the same can't be said for 1999's tepid Famous Monsters, which saw the band (now signed to indie Roadrunner Records) running short on everything from horror movie titles to song ideas. With Famous Monsters failing to set the world on fire, Only and crew found greater public attention at the time through their brief stints as WCW pro wrestlers.
As the Misfits' recorded output continued to hit peaks and valleys, the band set their sights on becoming punk rock's answer to KISS. Taking an obvious cue from Gene Simmons, the band put their logo and likenesses on a plethora of products including air fresheners, Frisbees, lunchboxes, cell phone covers and (yes, even) action figures. Not surprisingly, such actions led to more than a few raised eyebrows from supporters of the group's rebellious early years.
Although the Misfits' second coming was proof that there was life after Danzig, the band would once again suffer internal combustion. Due to label woes and ongoing backstage dramas, the "Newfits" disbanded in 2000. (13) Unwilling to let the band die, Only has spent subsequent years fronting an ever-fluctuating line-up that has seen a host of well-known faces including Marky Ramone and Murphy's Law drummer Eric "Goat" Arce. The most recent Misfits features Only on bass and lead vocals, Black Flag's Dez Cadena on guitar and the returning Robo on drums. While many longtime fiends may be dismayed by Only's reluctance to give up the Ghost, the band (whoever it may be) remains a consistently successful touring outfit.
In late 2004, Danzig and Doyle resumed their horror business, setting aside their turbulent history long enough to perform three shows together on the west coast. The completely expected success of these performances led to Doyle joining forces with Danzig the following year for a full national tour. While the sight of Danzig singing "20 Eyes" alongside Doyle (who's even bigger now!) after 20-plus years offers at least a glimmer of hope for the future, a complete reunion of the "original" Misfits – the band that wrote the book on irreconcilable differences – seems highly unlikely.
Of course, there will always be the music. Nearly a quarter-century after its release, Walk Among Us still stands up as one of the punk's greatest achievements. Although the band's music will inevitably live on for years to come, one still has to mourn for a band that never reached its truest potential. While fiends of the original band still pondered what could have been, one simple fact remains clear: With Danzig at the helm, the Misfits were exhilarating, innovative and gone much too soon…
(11) Only and Doyle often recorded the auditions on an 8-track machine, giving the applicants a copy of the tape as a "thank you" for trying out. Unsurprisingly, a number of these recordings soon found a home on the bootleg market.
(12) The Mars Attacks demo finally saw the light of day as part of Cuts From The Crypt, a collection of odds-and-ends from the Graves-era Misfits released by Roadrunner Records in 2001.
(13) Signs that all was not well in the Misfits camp surfaced as early as 1998, when NJ underground legend Myke Hideous temporarily replaced Graves for two tours in 1998. Despite considerable speculation, the exact reasons for Graves' brief departure have never been officially explained.
The complete MISFITS chapter will appear in the book, Albums that (Should've) Changed the World by Joel Gausten, available August 2007. Subscribe to the Blog or keep checking this page for updates.
Upcoming excerpts/interviews include: The History of THE UNDEAD (3-part series), Eerie Von of DANZIG/SAMHAIN, Paul Raven of KILLING JOKE, Lol Tolhurst of THE CURE, Hugo Burnham of GANG OF FOUR, David Thomas of PERE UBU and many more.
Ó 2006 Joel Gausten. Reproduction of this material is not permitted.
_________________ Misfits: Boys
Samhain: Men! |
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MGL2R Too Tough to Die

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Добавлено: Пн Окт 23, 2006 2:29 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
Return of the records (vol.1)
включает в себя 7 синглов:
1989 - Violent World
1989 - Creepshow
1990 - Angelfuck a.k.a. All Hell Breaks Loose
1990 - Static Age Demos E.P.
1990 - We Walk Among The Dead
1991 - Back With A Bang!
1991 - Metallifits
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FUZZY Time Bomb
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STS777 Too Tough to Die

Зарегистрирован: 20.07.2005 Сообщения: 637 Откуда: Moscow Rock City
Добавлено: Ср Окт 25, 2006 10:26 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
_________________ Misfits: Boys
Samhain: Men! |
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